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The UnEssay

the final remixed video essay

I present to you my final remixed video essay that encapsulates Ariana Grande's feminist rhetoric through a compilation of her music videos, interviews, social media posts, guest appearances, songwriting, partnerships, live concerts, and acting roles. Watch as I traverse through the various mediums that she uses to promote feminism, challenge traditional gender norms, and stand up for women and the underdogs. 

The Remix

behind the remix: my thought process

Creating this remix was an investigation into the depth of Ariana Grande's feminist narrative. I began by analyzing each medium that Ariana uses to communicate her messages. This involved a detailed study of her lyrics, visuals, and statements, which revealed recurring themes of female empowerment, self-love, resilience, and equality. 

The challenge was to weave these diverse elements into a cohesive narrative that accurately represents Ariana Grande's feminist rhetoric. We carefully selected clips that best showcased her advocacy for women's rights and the underdogs. The aim was to create a video essay that not only entertains but also enlightens viewers about Ariana Grande's significant role in promoting feminism in pop culture. 

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[Comments Section]

viewer's comments and interaction

I'd love to hear your thoughts on my remix. Did you find it informative? Did it change your perception of Ariana Grande? How do you perceive her role in promoting feminism in pop culture? Share your views in the comment section below, and let's ignite a conversation about the impact of pop culture icons on societal norms and perceptions. 

now get ready! it's time. for. the. remix.

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